Quem me apresentou THE SEEDS, e trocentos mil outros, foi o Alexandre.
O cara tinha uma "Coleção de vinil" bem respeitosa. Igual eu nunca vi.
The Seeds - Fallin
YOu're slippin', you're fallin', you're fallin' back down
You're slippin', you're slippin', you've hit the ground
You no longer hear each happy sound
You no longer tell day from night
You're slippin', you're slippin', you're fallin' back down
You're slippin', you're slippin', you've hit the ground
You're slippin', you're slippin', you're fallin' back down
You're slippin', you're slippin', you've touched the ground
Who took the sun, has painted it black
Who took the skies and turned them grey
Who took your dreams, your dreams away
What happened to each happy day
You're slippin', you're fallin', you're fallin' back down
You're slippin', you're slippin', you've touched the ground
A glass vacuum locked your mind inside
And now you've taken one long ride
You're slippin', you're slippin', you're fallin' back down
You're slippin', you're slippin', you touched the ground
Who took your dreams, your dreams away
who tookthe nights and changed the day
Who took your thoughts, your thoughts away
Who has come and changed the play
You're slippin', you're slippin', you're fallin' back down
You're slippin', you're slippin', you've touched the ground
A glass vacuum with a bubble inside
Have you been lost, passed the day
You're slippin', you're slippin', you're fallin' back down
You're slippin', you're slippin', you've touched the ground
What you, what you, what you gonna do
With this life you've been running through
What you, , what you, what you going to do
You just can't keep running away-
Sky Saxon ( ¿? - 25/06/09)
"Garage music is not bad, because Christ was born in a manger, which was probably like a garage of that time."
("Música de garagem não é ruim, porque Cristo nasceu em uma manjedoura, que era, provavelmente, como uma garagem naqueles dias".)
Última aparição em 2008 ao gravar um vídeo com Smashing Pumpkins...
Louco com louco é pura genialidade.
Estou tentando arrumar um tempo para o sagrado café expresso (moído com as melhores sementes) mas tá difícil. Mudaram meu horário e agora estou entrando as 12:30 e saindo às 20:30...